Shinkyokushin Karate

Shinkyokushin Karate

Wollongong Dojo is located at 39 Atchison Street, Wollongong (beside the Greek Church).

Classes are back for 2024!

Shinkyokushin is a traditional style of Japanese karate. Karate teaches discipline, encourages determination, makes you fit, strong and flexible. We train in martial arts the way founder Sosai Mas Oyama intended.

Wollongong Dojo and our students are members of the Shinkyokushin World Karate Organisation.

The first two lessons are free, so why not give it a try?

Classes are run on Tuesdays and Thursdays we have separate kids and adults classes. Click here for more information.

Click here to check out a video from Shinkyokushin Australia, filmed in Sydney, featuring Shihan John Hall and students from Wollongong Dojo.